5 Fun Things in Hampton Roads for $5
Hampton Roads offers a multitude of fun things to do on the cheap. With only 2 weeks before the fall school semester begins, here are a few last minute ideas.
5 fun things in Hampton Roads for $5 or less:
Ride the Hampton Carousel – For only $2, enjoy the 94 year old restored, wooden carousel. Originally located at Buckroe Amusement Park, this antique was restored in 1988 and relocated in 1991 at it’s current location in downtown Hampton.
- Board the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry – Running between Jamestown and Surry, this ferry is a 15 minute trip across the James River. The free service runs 24/7 with at least two ferries every 25 minutes. You can board in Williamsburg at 2110 Jamestown Road or Surry at 16289 Rolfe Highway.
- Play Ball at a Peninsula Pilots Game – Located at the Historic Peninsula War Memorial Stadium in Hampton, tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children and seniors. This collegiate baseball team drafts players locally and nationally. For a game schedule check out www.peninsulapilots.com.
- Take a Nature Class – Newport News Park offers free interpretive nature programs t
hroughout the weekend, including Friday Night Adventures, Discovery Hour (Sat mornings), Camping Kids (Sat), and hay rides (Sat evening). Fish for $1.50; buy an orienteering map for $2; rent a canoe for $5/hr; dish golf for $2, and walk the endless trails for free. Sandy Bottom Nature Park in Hampton also has classing available for $2-5 teaching wilderness survival, snake education, tree identification, animal painting, and more! Fish for $1.50 or rent canoes, kayaks, and paddle boats for $4/hr.
- Anyone for Ice Cream? – Don’t miss Queen Anne Dari-Snak in Williamsburg to curb your sweet tooth or grab a quick burger. Priced between $2-$5 for the majority of their menu items.
Hampton Roads Real-e-statement is written by Alyssa Godwin, a Realtor with Liz Moore and Associates. For questions regarding buying or selling contact Alyssa at 757-329-6161 or alyssagodwin@lizmoore.com. You can also find Alyssa on Facebook or on the web at www.lizmoore.com/alyssagodwin.