Hampton Roads School Comparisons
Finding the right school and education can be an important aspect of determining where you want to live. The Virginia Peninsula public schools consistently rank above the national average in ratings. To find out more, here’s a list of local schools pre-K through college in each of our cities:
Newport News Schools
- Yorktown Schools
- Hampton Schools
- Poquoson Schools
- Other – Public and Private in the local area
- Colleges and Universities
When comparing school to school, utilize these local and national websites:
- School Report Cards by Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) – a local comparison
- Great Schools by GreatSchools.org – a national comparison
Hampton Roads Real-e-statement is written by Alyssa Godwin, a Realtor with Liz Moore and Associates. For questions regarding buying or selling contact Alyssa at 757-329-6161 or alyssagodwin@lizmoore.com. You can also find Alyssa on Facebook or on the web at www.lizmoore.com/alyssagodwin.