Have you Googled your Address Lately?

Search engine sleuthing.  Companies do it during the hiring process.  Dating sites often do it.  Why wouldn’t you Google your prospective new home?

Since buyers are likely out there investigating, sellers should be too.  Here are some things to look for:

  1. Street View – Is the image in Google street maps an accurate representation of your home?  The image could be from 5 years ago before new siding was put on, that tree was cut down, or the home was repainted.  If that’s the case, there’s no harm in mentioning it in the listing comments and drawing buyers to preview up-to-date satellite images instead.
  2. Latest News – See what’s trending in your neighborhood and nearby areas.  Are the news reports good?  What’s the local environment like?  Are there plans for new construction (residential or commercial) in the surrounding areas?  These items can be addressed in a letter to potential buyers.
  3. HOA Regulations – A disclosure package is given to every buyer before a home is purchased, if located in a neighborhood with a homeowner’s association.  Does your neighborhood have a website?  Find out how people are rating your neighborhood on sites such as Yelp.  Or see what activities the association offers and what the current issues are.
  4. Nuisances and Niceties – In line with uncovering the latest news of a location, Google can help uncover nearby features…both good and bad.  What does Google say about your home?  These items can be address in your letter to a potential buyer.


Hampton Roads Real-e-statement is written by Alyssa Godwin, a Realtor with Liz Moore and Associates. For questions regarding buying or selling contact Alyssa at 757-329-6161 or alyssagodwin@lizmoore.com. You can also find Alyssa on Facebook or on the web at www.lizmoore.com/alyssagodwin.